My kids and I have been suffering from Influenza A this past week and it has been the WORST!
It started with us all feeling extremely tired, almost Covid-tired, and all the achiness possible. Then, our fevers started rising for us, then the cough/congestion followed.
I am by no mean an expert, or a doctor, or even in the medical field I am just a mama of four-year old twins that have been extremely sick all week, and this NOT our first rodeo.
I am just hoping to give you insight or suggestions to deal with the same hurdles we have faced. Take it or leave it.
Hurdle #1: High Fevers
At times the kids' fevers have risen to 104, but I was able to get them down without going to the emergency room. Here's what I tried that MAY work for you:
While holding a cold compress to your child's forehead and/or wrists- Give Children's Tylenol- I feel like this is the safest medicine to start with.
2. Then, if fever is still not going down, alternate with Children's Motrin. This usually helps right away.
3. A bath, not cold, but not quite as warm as normal, always help reduce my kiddos' fevers right away. Also, what kid doesn't love a bubble bath. Our fave fragrance-free bubbles and bath toys are linked below.
Bubble Bath my kids LOVE and lasts forever!
Bath Foam Letters and Mesh Toy Net We LOVE also!
Hurdle #2: Kids feeling icky!
There is obviously no quick fix to this, but here are a few things that can help treat the symptoms and make this sickness more bearable.
My kids are SO congested it's hard for them to breath! Here are a few things we do that may help you or your kiddos too!
Use a cool-mist humidifier all day, especially while they are asleep. The one we used is 'smart', where you can control it on an app. I don't use the app to often because I refill it daily. I do LOVE the size of it, the look of it, and most importantly, how well it works!
Hyland's cold medicine always works really well with my kid day and night versions. My sister in law, who is a nurse, got me hooked on this brand since the kids were babies.
Facial Steamer- This helps break down all that gunk and clear those sinus passages so well!
There are many other hurdles we all face with our sick kiddos, but here are just a few and a few possible solutions! Thank you for reading!
Please share your own Child-Sick-Care Tips in the comments!